How to Fix the Error 0x800701E3 on Windows [2024]

Many customers report seeing the error 0x800701E3 when copying or moving data on a Windows PC when working on a hard drive or SD card.

The majority of the time, the issue arises when the user tries to transfer files across hard drives.

According to other customers, the problem arises when they attempt to remove Windows 10 or another version of the operating system from their computer.

Reasons for an Error 0x800701E3

When a user tries to transfer or copy files from the computer to an external hard drive, the error message “The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error” shows.

Here are the main reasons why this happens:

  1. Cable problems, It may be damaged or poorly connected. Therefore, the data cannot be transferred.
  2. Hardware problems on an external hard drive.
  3. There are other problems with an external hard drive. Most often, these bad sectors cause the error “The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error.”

How to fix Windows Upgrade Error 0x800701E3?

You can attempt to resolve Windows upgrade issue 0x800701E3 by following the methods listed below.

After completing every troubleshooting step, kindly confirm if the issue has been resolved. You can move on to the following step if the issue continues.

Method 1. Check or Change the USB Connection with the External Drive

A broken port or cable is frequently the source of the issue. To transfer data between your computer and an external hard drive, try a different port. If that doesn’t work, try looking for a different USB cable.

This strategy works especially well if, when you attach your external hard drive to the computer, it is in the detected or undetected position.

Method 2. Update the External USB Drive Drivers

You can update the driver to resolve “Query Failed Due to Fatal Device Hardware Error”. The external hard drive’s operation is disrupted by outdated drivers. To do that, take these steps:

  • Press the Win and X keys simultaneously, and then choose Device Manager.
  • Now choose the chosen external drive and use the right mouse button to click on it.
  • Choose Update Driver from the list. Await the process’s conclusion to see if the issue has been resolved.

Method 3: Reset Windows Update Components.

It is possible to remove the files from the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders by resetting the Windows Update components.

Clearing out all of the outdated files from Windows Update is required to resolve the upgrade problem 0x800701E3.

To perform the operation, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

  • After clicking the Start button and typing CMD into the search box, right-click to bring up the command prompt and choose Run as administrator.
  • Enter the following commands in the command line, pressing Enter after each one:
  • Once the necessary services have been disabled, you must remove a few files from drive C within a folder.
  • Locate the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution, then remove every file found within.
  • Enter the following command at the command line and hit Enter to accomplish this: Del “%ALLUSERSPROFILE% \Network \ Microsoft \ Downloader \ qmgr *.dat”
  • Next, write the following command and press Enter.
  • After that, execute this “batch script,” which can assist you in resolving various Windows Update issues. You can download this script to use it with any version of Windows.
  • Use this command to restart Winshock, then hit ENTER: netsh Winsock reset
  • You then have to resume every service that was halted. Enter each of the following commands and hit Enter to accomplish this.
  • Try to launch Windows setup once you exit the command prompt and restart your machine. Your computer’s error 0x800701E3 should be fixed as a result. Proceed to the other troubleshooting procedures if the error continues.

Method 4: Run the DISM tool to Fix the Error 0x800701E3.

A Windows image can be serviced using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool, which is an integrated Windows tool.

It can assist you in that regard as well because it frequently resolves a number of problems with different parts of Windows.

Keep in mind that this is a highly strong instrument, so using it incorrectly could lead to issues. Use caution.

To launch the DISM tool on your PC, adhere to the instructions below.

  • After tapping the Windows logo, put CMD into the search field. The option to Command Prompt appears.
  • When you do a right-click on it, choose Run as administrator.
  • The commands below should be typed into your Command Prompt. To execute them, hit Enter on your keyboard after each command. Be careful not to begin using the second command before the first has completed its execution.
  • Once the second command has finished running, click the X or type exit and hit Enter to quit the command prompt.
  • Once it’s finished, try running Windows Setup once more after restarting your computer. With any luck, the installation proceeds without a hitch or error code 0x800701E3. You can move on to the following steps if the issue continues.

Method 5: Run the SFC (System File Checker) Scan

use the SFC scan to find and fix faulty files on the system. Consider performing an SFC scan in order to resolve issue 0x800701E3 that arises during Windows setup.

To initiate an SFC scan, take the following actions:

  • To access the Start menu, use the Windows key.
  • Input CMD, or Command Prompt, into the search bar.
  • Command Prompt can be right-clicked. Choose “Run as administrator.”
  • If asked, enter the password.
  • In the command prompt, type sfc/scannow and hit Enter.
  • It will take some time to analyze. Next, give your computer a restart.
  • Try running Windows setup once more to check if the 0x800701E3 error has been fixed.

Method 6: Repair Hard Drive if Sectors are Bad

In addition to preventing you from updating Windows, bad sectors or problems in the hard drive also result in error 0x800701E3.

You might try completing the resolution steps below to check for faulty sectors on your hard drive.

  • Enter CMD into the search field.
  • Use the Command Prompt by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator.”
  • Type chkdsk C: / f / r / x into the command prompt and hit Enter.

Any errors identified will be attempted to be corrected with the /f option.

All readable data will be recovered and damaged sectors will be located using the /r option.

Before the program begins scanning, the /x option will require the volume you are going to inspect to be unmounted.

  • The next time you restart your computer, type Y to begin a search if the C: disk is in use. In that case, shut down Command Prompt and reboot the machine.
  • It will take some time to analyze the hard drive component. It will automatically detect and fix any issues.

Hopefully, Windows Upgrade will work fine this time around without the 0x800701E3 error.

Method 7: Disable the “Secure Boot” feature

After turning off “Secure Boot” from “UEFI / BOOT,” a few impacted users have stated that issue 0x800701E3 no longer arises on a clean Windows install.

The top PC manufacturers created the industry standard known as “Secure Boot” to guarantee that computers only run software from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

It is known that this security measure causes issues when installing media that is made using programs other than official channels, such as Rufus.

Here is a quick guide on disabling ”Secure Boot”:

  • Press the Setup key several times after switching on your machine (during the initial boot sequence).
  • Press the BIOS key during the boot process.
  • Once you’re in the BIOS menu, find the “Secure boot” setting and change it to Disabled. Manufacturer to manufacturer will vary in the precise name and placement, but generally speaking, it is located under the Security tab. It may also be found in the Boot or Authentication tabs.
  • Close the BIOS settings after saving the modifications. Next, see if the error 0x800701E3 is still occurring.


Q: What does Error 0x800701E3 indicate?

A: Error 0x800701E3 typically occurs when there are issues related to file transfer or storage. It often happens when copying files from one location to another.

Q: Can fragmented files cause this error?

A: Yes, fragmented files or file systems can contribute to this error. Running a disk defragmentation tool could potentially resolve the issue.

Q: I tried these methods, but the error persists. What else can I do?

A: If none of the above solutions work, consider performing a system restore to revert your system to a previous state where the error wasn’t present. Alternatively, you may want to consider seeking help from a professional technician or contacting Microsoft Support for further assistance.


The resolution procedures mentioned above assist in resolving the Windows upgrade problem 0x800701E3. I hope there are no error messages throughout the installation. If you think this post is helpful, please leave a comment.

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